Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ely Cathedral Christmas Craft Fair

Not only does my husband happily watch Pride and Prejudice with me, he takes me to Christmas craft fairs as well! AND he enjoyed it. I'm not sure if he would be willing to come along if I were attending a craft fair in an old gym in America, but place it in an old cathedral in England and he's happy to oblige. Mike took the day off work Friday so we could go while the girls were in school (crowds and shopping are not a good combo for them). We had a nice day browsing and getting lunch.
I do believe this is the first time I have actually seen a tea cozy! I've always imagined them as the most useless of objects, but look how cute.
 We decided to take advantage of the opportunity to poke around the rest of the cathedral.
I'm just a tiny bit worried that I've already spent a good portion of my own Christmas present budget (you know, for me). I need to pace myself, as Christmas fair/market season is just beginning. Someone asked me if the market was any good. As it's the first one in England I've been to, I'd say yes. I'll try to make it to a few more this season so I can compare.


  1. You are a lucky ducky. Oh wait, I've already told you that! Please take LOTS of photos when you visit the Christmas markets so I can live vicariously!

  2. Oh, how nice it would be to go to a christmas market. When we were in Germany, I was so looking forward to the Christmas season. We managed to get to one market before we left for home. I was very disappointed to miss a Christmas season in Germany.
