Thursday, February 13, 2014

Not California

We're pretty settled here in England, but sometimes certain things do catch my attention and give me the feeling I'm not in California anymore.

"Respect the queue"
The other day Mike and I were lining up at a lunch counter. Apparently, I was not standing in the right place, because a gentleman ever-so-politely informed me that I might want to move over and "respect the queue." It reminded us of Bill Bryson's words about the English being world-class in their queueing ability. When I pass the bus stops, people are all neatly lined up, no milling about.
They do sell chocolate chips in England, they're just in these petite little packages of 100 grams. To buy an equivalent amount to the American 12-ounce package would cost about eight dollars.
 This is a two-way street!

"Sorry, it's an automatic"
Once we were renting a car, and all they had when we arrived was an automatic. The rental agent was so apologetic, and offered several times to come out and show us how it worked. We assured him we'd be okay. It reminded us of how funny we thought it was that a French couple we know really did need instruction on how to drive an automatic the first time they rented a car in the US. 

Walking as a means of getting from one place to another. Not exercise, not entertainment.
Which flavors are popular is different here than in the US. For instance, black current is a favorite flavor for candy. And the potato chip (crisps) flavors are completely different. Here we've got parmesan, asparagus & truffle; parsnip; cumberland sausage; and prawn cocktail.
 Medieval sculpture used to decorate the ATM/cash point.
Elementary school/primary school parking lot. If you look closely you can see there are three cars along with the bikes. This particular school is about half the size of the school my daughters attended in California, with easily 10 times the bike riders.

Then if there's any confusion left about where I am, there's the weather. It's the wettest winter here since records have been kept starting in 1761! I may never again find windy rainstorms romantic. 


  1. Judging by that "two-way" street, it is no wonder the bicycle count is so much higher! Can you imagine two of the giant, automatic SUVs that so many Americans deem necessary trying to pass each other? They would pull the beautiful midieval sculpture right off the front of the buildings! I can understand how the wind and rain would get exhausting with having to walk everywhere. And as much as I want to come to England, I would definitely be wanting more chocolate chips and less prawn flavored chips ;)

  2. Always enjoy seeing a view of your life in Cambridge.

  3. Yes indeed, interesting chip flavors, I'd just stick with the basic plain chip I think if those were my choices lol. I enjoyed all your pictures!
