Sunday, February 9, 2014

Houses in Cambridge

What I discovered pedaling around taking pictures of my favorite houses in Cambridge is that there is a great deal of uniformity in design in house styles. The homes are almost always brick, and very commonly this terraced house style that is described as Victorian, although it really isn't what I picture when I picture Victorian. Home owners show their flare with door colors and sometimes plantings.
 Quite a similar style, this time with a blue door and cute little picket fence.
 And again, except larger and unattached.
There are also a lot of these bay window style homes in Cambridge. They are again attached. I should have taken a shot of the whole street, so you could see home after home quite similar to this. 
I love this house. It's in a neighborhood of Cambridge that is like its own little village, along the Cam and some beautiful nature reserves. We would have liked to have lived there, except we weren't sure about Camille getting into a school (your placement on the waiting list is based on your distance from the school). We would never have been in this large of a home though. Most of the homes in that neighborhood are the Victorian brick terraced homes or the bay window brick terraced homes.
I think I've shown pictures of the street this house is on. This little cottage style is very unique in Cambridge.
This is a very traditional looking home that is also unique for Cambridge. You don't often see this size or the shutters.
 I really love this painted brick Victorian. It's a couple of houses down from the home above, looking out on a green space and just yards from the part of the Cam where all the rowing teams practice.

I thought I'd have more pictures to share, but as I said, there's a lot of uniformity of styles, and then the houses that don't fit in with the styles I've shown here aren't especially favorites of mine. Maybe this will give you a small idea of what neighborhoods in Cambridge look like.

1 comment:

  1. Uniform, brick, pop of color on the door... no wonder I like all of your photos of homes in Cambridge!
