Thursday, February 27, 2014

Not California Follow-Up

After my previous "Not California" post, I found this ultimate example of a potato chip flavor you would not find in California - haggis! My previous impression of haggis was kind of a joke or a "can you believe people eat that" food. I even think eating it was part of an Amazing Race challenge. However, people are not scared of haggis around here. The PTA was planning an event for Burns Night - of all the famous UK poets, I'm not sure how it ended up being Robert Burns that got his own semi-holiday - where they were planning the traditional events, including serving haggis. I asked, "And people eat it?" They looked at me like I was a bit slow. Of course they eat it. And apparently they eat haggis-flavored potato chips too.

1 comment:

  1. When I am feeling particularly desperate to visit Engkand, I will just remember that I might be served haggis with a side of haggis crisps. That should put me off for at least a few minutes ;)
