Sunday, August 17, 2014

Picnicking at Old Sarum

Mike read the book Sarum this past year, so was inspired to stop by Old Sarum on our way home. I gave him a bad time about taking time to see some old rocks. It's a lovely spot though, and I imagine after having spent all that time reading about it that the spot would be even more inspiring.
This is Mike's look of evil laughter. He's trying to convince the girls that the signs are encouraging them to climb on the rocks. Either that, or he's laughing at me for taking way too long to take my picture.
 As in just about every other place in England, there's green, peaceful places to walk.

I should have made Anya put down the phone for the picture, so I could pretend we have all kinds of electronic-free, old-fashioned family fun.
Then it was time to head home. And here's the sad reality of going anywhere south for us: it involves traveling the dreaded, traffic choked M-25. You've got to pay the piper to dance to the music, or insert applicable cliche here.

1 comment:

  1. It is unfortunate that you have to travel home through all of that traffic and kill the idyllic pastural buzz, but it looks well worth it! After spending a couple of days in San Diego I can see the charm of your Southern California lifestyle, but I still don't know how you are going to leave those wide open green spaces. It looks like heaven to me!
