Monday, June 9, 2014

Rained Out

This weekend was Cambridge's Strawberry Fair and Parade. We planned on going to the parade and then maybe going out to the countryside for a little outing. Right when the parade was scheduled to start though, it started to POUR. It hasn't rained so heavily for such a sustained amount of time for months. 
Here is the busy parade route. We passed only one person who looked like he was waiting for the parade to begin. He declared, "I'm an eternal optimist!"
All we experienced of the parade was seeing this group of performers huddled under a tree, waiting for the rain to clear.

After walking around in the pouring rain for fifteen or twenty minutes, we decided we'd had enough festivities for the day and traded in our outing ambitious for a weekend of movies (we saw Maleficent and all liked it), reading and going out to dinner. Funny thing though, maybe a half hour or so after we gave up, we could hear the rain had stopped and the parade went on. Then by the afternoon, it turned out beautifully sunny and warm and stayed that way the rest of the weekend. But by that time we'd mentally cashed out and couldn't get ourselves in the outing mindset again. So we enjoyed our lazy weekend, but I'm feeling a little bit guilty about wasting one and a half beautiful, summery days in England.


  1. Nothing wrong with a nice lazy weekend! I have been wanting to see Maleficent - it is one of the few movies that Joe and I both want to watch, so I have been holding off to go together. :)

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me, plan b sometimes turns out to be the best plan of all.
