Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nice Weekend

The weather has been nothing but sunny and unseasonably warm around here this past week. It was a perfect spring weekend, so here's what we did:
1. Camille went with her church group to tour the American Air Force Base. She had a great time checking out the equipment, seeing a military working dog demonstration and eating American snacks.
2. Anya came with us to the Cambridge's Science Festival. She's a curious girl who generally enjoys those kind of exhibits and demonstrations. We also got lunch. Anya's choice? McDonald's, of course.
3. Mike and I love walking to Grantchester. The walk is beautiful and the weather was perfect. We of course had to go to The Orchard for scones and lounging in the sun once we got there.

I hope your weekend was filled with loveliness too!


  1. I am so happy for you that the rain has stopped; and happy for me, because it means more outings for you to blog about! ;) Is St. Patrick's day celebrated much in England?

  2. It must be such a relief to have some nicer weather, I know I sure feel that way and am overjoyed winter is over! I love that pic too btw
