Friday, March 14, 2014

Feels Like Spring

Last Sunday it was in the high 60s, which might have felt a little bit chilly to me in San Diego, but here felt more summery than summer. It seemed like the whole city was out enjoying the weather - parading through the parks and along the Cam, rowing down the river and lounging in the sun.
I'm still planning on finding somewhere where I can "wander lonely as a cloud" and all that, but in the meantime, there's enough daffodils in Cambridge to feel very spring-like.
I'm just soaking in spring while I can.
Okay, I really can't resist quoting at least one line: "...And then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils."
And then to top off our week of spring, the ice cream stand has opened for the season! There's a little treat stand that sells soft-serve my girls like, dangerously placed within sight of Anya's school. Boy were we sad to see that they close for the winter, but now it makes their opening that much more of an event. Welcome spring! It may be a week early, but we're ready!


  1. What a perfect way to welcome Spring! And those daffodils - truly "continuous as the stars that shine" - what an inspiring view!
    We are counting the days until Lakeview opens so that we can enjoy soft serve, too. :)

  2. Oh, those daffodils! Nothing better then welcoming Spring early!
