Thursday, June 20, 2013


 I think they make moving so awful to make it easier to leave. I could have got all emotional about leaving my nice life in California behind, but I was instead counting down the minutes until all this mess was over. By the way, I'm completely converted to the wonder of Space Bags. It is amazing the amount of stuff we were able to get in those suitcases - at least twice as much.
 I took this picture of our storage space with our belongings and car, just because I was so amazed and grateful it all fit. When I reserved it I thought the space seemed about perfect. Then as the movers started packing and the boxes started piling up, I became quite worried. When the movers saw my space though, they said no problem, and for them, it wasn't. It was like a live version of the best game of Tetris ever played. Cube Moving is the best!
 As  you can see, we abandoned all pretenses of packing light. I felt like a 19th century woman with my overflowing cart of trunks with all the luggage we had.
And, the fighting's begun. (Kurt and Shannon, recognize this spot? Or is it still too soon?) Actually traveling with older kids with electronics is a dream. If only I could figure out how to sleep sitting upright on a plane, I'd have been all set. With a total of 10 minutes of sleep, I was pretty much in a daze my first day in England.


  1. Packing definitely moderates sentimentality - when ever I have been forced to actually deal with my piles of stuff, I find that I am more than happy to get rid of most of it.

    And I don't recognize that spot... where is it?

  2. It's the outdoor car rental waiting area at LAX.

  3. I think I block out all car rental places ;)
