Friday, June 28, 2013

House Camping

One month ago our international movers arrived to pack up our house and send our things off to England. Thus began our house camping adventure. The initial couple of weeks in the U. S. were not that bad, as we were leaving about half our furniture and things in storage - which we didn't pack up until the last day. Now, I can report, it's officially getting old. And it's really not as bad as it could be. We could be sleeping, eating, and sitting on the floor, patiently waiting for our furniture to arrive. Luckily, the owners of the house we're renting left some furniture for us to use. Our place has a basement (grimy, dark, and basement-smelling) where we can store some of it once our own stuff arrives. Still.

Here is the comfortable lounge spot for whoever doesn't get our one comfortable chair.

Mike, enjoying our one comfortable chair, and single computer.

Without dressers, we are living out of suitcases.
We have a kitchen table with one chair. Everyone else either sits on the floor, on this desk...
Or snags our comfortable living room spot.

Our kitchen supplies are also very spotty. I've bought some things, but I hate to repurchase a whole kitchen worth's of stuff, when our own things are coming soon. So here is the inventory:
4 knives
4 forks
4 spoons
4 bowls
4 plates
1 frying pan
1 pot
1 wooden spoon
1 spatula
1 toaster

Perhaps that seems like a big list, but I'm constantly annoyed by what I don't have. We've been going through Bonne Maman jam like crazy (Anya barely likes any of the food here, except for fruit and PB&J sandwiches, but that's another post). We use the leftover glasses for many purposes: drinking glasses, rolling pin, grinder, ladle, scoop, approximate measuring cup, etc.

In retrospect, I would have brought a few more items along in our suitcases and packed less clothing. Here's what would have been smart to have brought for immediate use:

measuring cups (I'm not interested in buying UK versions and recalculating all my recipes)
power converter (why I didn't think I'd need that immediately I'm not sure)
rain coats (of course I could buy here, but we just bought some in the US)
comfortable walking shoes (and put the flip-flops on the slow boat)
cat snacks (They don't sell any of the brands of food or snacks here that we purchased before; she's having a hard time adjusting to the food too. It would be nice to have something she's familiar with)

Counting down the days until July 12th, when our belongings will finally arrive!


  1. I didn't realize that your cat traveled with you - how is she doing? As for not having your possessions, I am sure that is frustrating. But isn't it amazing how little you can really get by with? I have promised myself that when I finally have my own house again I am going to SIMPLIFY.

  2. It sounds like you had to simplify a little too much. Maybe this will be the year Anya finds some new foods that she likes, or else she is going to be hungry all the time.

  3. I hope the time passes quickly until your things get there!
    Who usually wins the fight for the one good chair?!

  4. Shannon, the cat survived the journey her same old self. And Kristie, usually the cat.

  5. Good news. I've heard crazy stories about animals trying to walk back to their old homes when the family moves; that would be quite a swim ;)
