Monday, October 13, 2014


The rain doesn't sound as impressive on video.
Today is a rainy kind of day,
Can't hear myself think because the rain is so loud on the skylights kind of day,
So windy my umbrella broke kind of day,
So wild I came back from my walk soaked, even with rain boots and rain coat kind of day,
So soaked and muddy I didn't attempt my running workout kind of day,
A maybe after a hot chocolate and a hot shower I'll just stay inside and do moving errands kind of day.

What's fall like where you're at today?

1 comment:

  1. I love a good stormy day - especially if I can stay in and drink hot chocolste! We've had a warmer than average fall, which has been very nice for football watching, but not great for colored leaves. Today looks to be another mild day.
